Snow White and the Magnificent 7 Dwarfs
performances to date

Running Time:
1h 50m approximately (plus interval)
Minimum 2m, 2f, 14 either plus chorus
Take a trip to the Wild West in this innovative reworking of the classic fairy tale!
Snow White, heiress to the ‘Happy Ever After Cattle’ ranch, is the fairest girl on the prairie – but her wicked and jealous stepmother, Widow Blackheart, plots to separate her from her fortune!
Can Snow White survive her treacherous schemes and win the hand of Sheriff Vince Charming? A band of seven brave miners, her lifelong friend, Nanny Oakley, a pantomime horse and a brainless idiot, Silly Billy the Kid, are there to help her!
A terrific family pantomime full of silliness and audience participation!
Also available with this script as an optional extra: Rehearsal / performance arrangements for the suggested songs from the show by Sound-Board
Apply for Performance Rights
Licensing: This script is published through Lazy Bee Scripts. To read the whole script online and to make an application to perform the show please visit Lazy Bee Scripts. Included with the script is a set of new lyrics to popular songs written especially for this production.